

That lovely word menopause.  I’ve heard so much about and was so hoping to avoid it, but it has reared its ugly head for the past two years, wreaking havoc on my body and life!  Normally, I would described myself as a pretty disciplined person with diet and exercise.  Sadly, I can say that  I have surrendered helplessly to the chaos that is, Menopause.

It started with a slow invasion. The slightly annoying pre-menopausal symptoms that were tolerable. The quick hot flashes that were a two minute interruption or inconvenience, but quickly returned my temperature back to normal and on my way I went. This lasted on and off for about a year, and silly me I thought,  ”this isn’t that bad, what’s all the fuss?”

Oh was I wrong! Ha, the jokes on me!  That sneaky devil went from those small annoyances to an all out battle raging through my body, and left my feeling utterly out of control.

The hot flashes I have to say are the worst. I don’t even get them to the point of breaking out in a full sweat, like some horror stories I’ve heard, but they are literally every hour on the hour. At night it’s like clock work.  And all night, which means no sleep. Which then transforms the polite and tolerant person I once was into this evil nasty witch.  The lack of sleep also leads to feeling confusion,  a fog like state and exhaustion.  The exhaustion leads to not eating right, which leads to feeling terrible, not having the energy to exercise (which would make me feel better but I’m too tired).

Then to make matters worse, I try to have an intelligent conversation and I sound like a complete idiot! I can not remember anything or speak correctly. I sound like a babbling baboon. It’s a never ending cycle of agony! A very cruel joke I might add. It’s not enough that babies and toddlers kept you awake. Then came teenagers, young drivers, and college. And just when you think you are done, bamm! Menopause!

Ok, so here’s the good part, no more periods. Yes. Um, anything else? Not really. There has to be a way out of this. I know one day there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, but when? I’ve read that this could last from four years up to twelve years! No way!  So what’s actually going on in the body? Who the hell knows.  They say it’s the decrease in estrogen and progesterone. Makes sense, but taking hormone replacement, is not always the best choice.  At the bottom of this article I placed a link to a great article on hormone replacement.  So, what to do?

Well, I’ve decided the only way I know how, is to attack this thing head on!  The one thing I know for sure is that, if I exercise regularly, eat a very healthy clean diet, lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, try to get a good night sleep and keep the right attitude, meditation and yoga, that I will feel a whole lot better. So, that is what I will be doing. I will take back control of my health and my body. The ball is in my court and I will prevail! Stay tune. I will let you know how it goes. If it works, I will put together a plan for others to follow. Meanwhile, remember its your health, your journey and your choice, so Choose You!


Your Health.  Your Journey.  Your Choice.  Choose You.

Author: xroadsinhealth

Crossroads in Health came to life when 2 life long friends and nurses decided to bring their passion for health and wellness to others. By combining over 35 years of medical knowledge with an interest in natural approaches to health, we have created a lifestyle change for everyone.

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